The Newton Housing Authority promotes the fair and equitable treatment of all persons involved in its purchasing process by assuring that supplies, services, and construction are procured efficiently, effectively, and at the most favorable prices available to the Housing Authority. The Newton Housing Authority operates in full compliance with applicable Federal standards, HUD regulations, and State laws, promotes competition in contracting and provides various safeguards for maintaining the integrity of its procurement system.

Information for Contractors

The NHA complies with N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.48 which requires that all contractors, subcontractors and sub-subcontractors register with the Department of Labor prior to bidding or engaging in certain public works contracts that exceed the prevailing wage threshold. The prevailing wage threshold is $2,000. Under the statute, “public works projects” are any construction, reconstruction, demolition, alteration, repair or maintenance of a public building regularly open to and used by the general public or a public institution.

All business organizations that do business with local contracting agencies are required to be registered with the State of New Jersey and provide proof of that registration to the Newton Housing Authority before it can enter into a contract with each business. A contract includes a formal contract award by a public bid, purchase orders or other mechanism. Vendors that refuse to register and obtain a Business Registration Certification cannot receive a contract in excess of 15% of the agencies bid threshold of $17,500.00.

Evidence of professional liability insurance and worker’s compensation insurance must be provided to the Newton Housing Authority. If business does not provide their own Worker’s Compensation coverage, businesses shall agree to deduct the premium for such coverage offered through the Newton Housing Authority.

The Davis Bacon Act (DBA) requires the payment of appropriate prevailing wage rates for all Federal construction projects in excess of $2,000. The Department of Labor (DOL) determines the prevailing wage and a copy of the wage decision is included in each bid package. The goal of the Davis-Bacon Act is to protect the statutory rights of construction workers by ensuring they are being paid the prevailing wage rate on HUD or HUD “Related Acts” construction projects.

Davis-Bacon Reporting Requirements for Contractors/ Subcontractors

  1. Weekly certified payrolls (WH-347) must be submitted to Contract Compliance following the first week of work on the contract/purchase order and every week thereafter.
  2. Payrolls are to be numbered sequentially starting with the first week of work. The first payroll must include the contractors Federal Employment Identification Number (FEIN) on the top of the first page.
  3. Certified payrolls need to be filled out completely including correct withholding and work classifications.
  4. Certified payrolls will not be accepted unless they have an original signature (blue ink is recommended).
  5. Contractors need to indicate how fringe benefits are paid.
  6. Contractors should indicate on the payrolls, and provide documentation of, anyone participating in an apprentice program. Section 3 workers should also be indicated for Policy Monitoring staff.
  7. Contractors should clearly indicate “Final” on the last weekly payroll so that Contract Monitoring staff will know when this is the last payroll for this contract/purchase order.

For a copy of the “Contractors Guide to Davis-Bacon” visit the U.S. Department of Housing Urban Development Internet web page at:

Publicly Advertised Sealed Bids


Requests for Bids